
Showing posts from February, 2022


  Python is a interpreted, high level programming language created by   Guido van Rossum   and released in year 1991. Python is known for using white-space significantly and also, support a lot of programming paradigms such as Procedural programming Functional programming Object-oriented programming The current version of python programming language is known as Python 3.x which is completely different from its predecessor Python 2.x. If you learned python 2.x then you may have to relearn everything because there is little backward compatibility from Python 3.x to Python 2.x. Contents Prerequisites: Python Topics Programming Basics Python Basics Python Operators Python Loops Python Functions Related Python String Related Python Exception Handling Python Data Structures Prerequisites: There is not mathematical or programming experience required to learn from this tutorial. However, if you are interested in learning math and other computer science topics. Learn from our othe...


  HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. The purpose of HTML is to make web pages or web documents. A markup language process and present the information within markup tags. There are many web pages which still uses HTML 4.0 version, however, the latest version is HTML 5 getting very popular among the web developers. Contents About HTML Tutorial HTML Tutorial Topics HTML Basics HTML Elements HTML Form Elements HTML Layouts HTML Projects About HTML Tutorial Anyone interested in learning HTML can benefit from this tutorial. There is no prior knowledge required for this tutorial except that the learner must know how to operate a PC. HTML Tutorial Topics This section contains topics for HTML tutorial. Each of the topics have one or more lessons. You can read our tutorial and practice from examples. Below is the link to help started with examples. How to create example HTML pages? HTML Basics HTML Document Structure How To Create Example HTML Pages HTML Block And Inline Elements HT...


  CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet. The CSS rules give the beautiful look to the web page because HTML does not have that many style options. Also, it is wise to keep the style information for a website separate from the main content. You can add CSS rule inside the HTML document or in a separate file depending on the website. Contents About Tutorial CSS Tutorial Topics CSS Fundamentals CSS Syntax CSS Box Model CSS Fonts CSS Projects About Tutorial This tutorial is for any person interested in learning CSS. To maximize your benefit from this tutorial. The learner must be familiar with basic HTML syntax. You can visit our  HTML tutorial  page to learn the basics of HTML language. CSS Tutorial Topics Here is a list of lessons for CSS tutorial. Start reading from top to bottom. CSS Fundamentals CSS Introduction Link CSS To HTML CSS Syntax CSS Selectors CSS Box Model CSS Width CSS Border CSS Margin CSS Padding CSS Fonts CSS Fonts In-Depth CSS Projects CSS Burning Candle